Where do you prefer to walk?

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Do you prefer walking on a treadmill in the gym, a sidewalk in the city, a trail through the park, or on the sand by the ocean? I took the opportunity to walk on a nature trail on the waterfront yesterday. It felt wonderful to take off my shoes and walk barefoot on the sand in the warm water.      

How fast do the benefits of walking kick in? Do you instantly feel better? Does it take 5 minutes, 10 minutes or 15 minutes? For me, it’s all about the vibe. A quick 15 minute walk can change my life instantly. The open space makes me feel free and opens my mind to new possibilities.

Walking makes my body feel better immediately by making it flow more easily. It makes me healthier as well by positively impacting physiological functions like digestion and blood circulation, not to mention improving muscle strength and flexibility.

Walking requires very little upfront equipment, just cover your feet to prevent damage. Depending on the location you may require flip-flops  quick-dry non-slip water shoes  walking shoes  trail running shoes  or hiking boots for more rugged trails.    


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